General Hydroponics RapidStart® 275ml美國超强發根液 日本仔推薦 適合用於 象足漆樹


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General Hydroponics RapidStart® 30ml美國超强發根液 日本仔推薦 適合用於 象足漆樹

產品標品牌:General Hydroponics® RapidStart®


GHS 標籤元素 : 未分類。

物質/混合物 : 混合物

成分名稱/Wt.%/CAS 編號
硝酸銨 > 1 – < 3 6484-52-2
磷酸 > 3 – < 5 7664-38-2

General Hydroponics RapidStart® 通過提供優質植物提取物、氨基酸和營養物質的強大混合物來增強您的生長體驗,從而產生爆炸性的根系生長。

RapidStart® 是一種植物營養素,用於促進根系生長,同時提高植物活力和產量。 強大的根系網絡與更大、更有活力的植物相連。 RapidStart® 幫助植物發展強大的根系網絡。 可在整個營養生長期和初花期使用,持續促進根係發育。

RapidStart™ 使用 RapidStart® 刺激多產的根分枝和細根毛的發育,從而增加養分吸收並長出更健康、更白的根。

RapidStart™ 使用 RapidStart® 將使您的植物爆根! 在所有類型的生長介質(包括椰樹)的整個生長周期中使用

一般 Hydroponics® RapidStart® 1-0.5-1 促進根部生長,同時通過養分供給增強植物活力和產量。 這種植物性食物可與椰殼纖維、有土和無土、連續液體飼料、水培、克隆機、繁殖托盤和根部浸泡一起使用。 General Hydroponics® 生產多種產品,可以滿足您的植物所需的一切。


危險說明 : 沒有已知的顯著影響或嚴重危險。

一般 : 使用前閱讀標籤。  如果需要醫療建議,請準備好產品容器或標籤。


(1)該產品或可能對眼睛有輕度刺激性,注意不要讓該產品進入眼睛。 如果不慎入眼,請立即用水徹底沖洗並就醫。
(2)使用時請戴防蟲口罩、手套、長褲和長袖工作服。 下班後立即用肥皂洗手、洗腳和洗臉、漱口並更換衣服。
(3) 將您工作時穿的衣服與其他物品分開清洗。
(6) 在街道、公園等使用本產品時,請注意防止兒童和其他無關人員在使用期間和使用後進入使用區域(至少在使用當天)。請注意不要造成損害。
(12)注意不要誤食或吞食本品。 如果誤食,請催吐並立即就醫。 如果您在使用該產品時感到身體有任何異常,請立即就醫。

【Precautions for safe use】

(1) The product may be mildly irritating to the eyes, be careful not to let the product enter the eyes. If it gets into eyes, rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical attention immediately.
(2) Please wear insect repellent mask, gloves, trousers and long-sleeved overalls when using. Wash hands, feet and face with soap, rinse mouth and change clothes immediately after get off work.
(3) Wash your work clothes separately from other items.
(4) People who are prone to rashes should be careful when handling.
(5) Affect silkworms, do not touch the surrounding mulberry leaves.
(6) When using this product in streets, parks, etc., please take care to prevent children and other unrelated persons from entering the area of ​​use during and after use (at least on the day of use). Be careful not to cause damage.
(7) If this agent gets on painted surfaces such as cars, walls, marble, and granite, it may cause discoloration, so be careful not to get it on.
(8) Buy as much as you need and use up as much as possible.
(9) When using this agent, please be careful not to mistake the amount, timing, and method of use. Especially when using it for the first time, it is best to consult the pest control station or store.
Before using the product, be sure to read the product instructions carefully and follow the instructions.
(10) Keep out of reach of children
(11) Please suspend use if you feel unwell after use.
(12) Be careful not to eat or swallow this product by mistake. If swallowed, induce vomiting and seek medical attention immediately. If you experience any abnormalities in your body while using this product, seek medical attention immediately.

Product information
Brand : General Hydroponics
Item Form :  Liquid
Liquid Volume : 275 Milliliters
Specific Uses For Product Root Branching
Target Species Using rapid Start stimulates prolific root branching
Product Dimensions : 2 x 2 x 8 inches
Item Weight : 12.8 ounces
Manufacturer : Hawthorne Hydroponics, LLC

急救措施 必要急救措施的說明
吸入 皮膚接觸 食入
:立即用大量清水沖洗眼睛,不時提起上下眼瞼。 檢查並取下任何隱形眼鏡。 如果發生刺激,就醫。
:將受害者轉移到空氣新鮮處,並保持呼吸舒適的休息姿勢。 如出現症狀請就醫。
:用大量水沖洗受污染的皮膚。 脫去受污染的衣服和鞋子。 如出現症狀請就醫。
: 用清水漱口。 如果材料已被吞下並且接觸者有意識,請喝少量水。 除非醫務人員指示,否則不要催吐。 如出現症狀請就醫。

給醫生的注意事項 具體治療 急救人員的保護
: 對症治療。 如果大量攝入或吸入,請立即聯繫中毒治療專家。
: 無特殊處理。

:意外釋放措施 個人預防措施、防護裝備和應急程序

小洩漏:如果沒有風險,停止洩漏。 將容器移出洩漏區域。 如果水溶性,用水稀釋並擦乾。 或者,如果不溶於水,則用惰性乾燥材料吸收並放入適當的廢物處理容器中。 通過獲得許可的廢物處理承包商進行處理。

Product identifier : General Hydroponics® RapidStart®
Product type : liquid

Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Use only in accordance with label directions.

Classification of the substance or mixture
GHS label elements : Not classified.
Hazard statements : No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Precautionary statements
General : Read label before use. Keep out of reach of children. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.

Composition/information on ingredients
Substance/mixture : Mixture

Ingredient name / Wt.% / CAS number
Ammonium nitrate > 1 – < 3 6484-52-2
Phosphoric acid > 3 – < 5 7664-38-2

There are no other ingredients present which, within the current knowledge of the supplier and in the concentrations applicable, are classified as hazardous to health or the environment and hence require reporting in this section.
Occupational exposure limits, if available, are listed in Section 8.

First-aid measures Description of necessary first aid measures
Eye contact
Inhalation Skin contact Ingestion
: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Check for and remove any contact lenses. Get medical attention if irritation occurs.
: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.
: Flush contaminated skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.
: Wash out mouth with water. If material has been swallowed and the exposed person is conscious, give small quantities of water to drink. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.

Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if necessary
Notes to physician Specific treatments Protection of first-aiders
: Treat symptomatically. Contact poison treatment specialist immediately if large quantities have been ingested or inhaled.
: No specific treatment.
: No action shall be taken involving any personal risk or without
suitable training.


Store below 30°C

進口商 – 飛馬傳奇設計公司 地址 – 香港九龍新蒲崗七寶街3號振發工廠大廈E-J座4樓J5室

Importer – Legend Gear CO. Address – Flat J5, 4/f, Block E-J, Chin Fat Factory Building, 3 Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong


毒藥 Poison – 無特定解毒劑 No Specific Antidote

2024 ©️ Legend Gear Co. All Rights Reserved.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 5 × 15 cm


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