住友 Benica X Guard 顆粒 住友家庭園藝第一! 穀物型殺蟲殺菌顆粒!


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住友化學園藝殺蟲劑 Benica X Guard 顆粒劑 250g
顆粒劑 持續針對花卉、蔬菜、昆蟲、疾病
有效活性成分 – Clothianidin 蘇雲金桿菌(Bt)Bacillus thuringiensis小孢子和產生的結晶素
外觀 – 淡棕色顆粒
劑型 – 顆粒劑

註冊編號 – 2P12 P (-) / 2P12 BR (-) / 2P12 GR (-)

Active ingredient – Clothianidin Bacillus thuringiensis microspores and produced crystalline toxin
Appearance – light brown particles
Dosage Form – Granules

產品特點 它是一種殺蟲劑和殺真菌劑,只需在播種或種植時將其混合到土壤中,或在種植後將其撒在植物基部周圍即可發揮作用。 殺蟲成分從根部吸收,藥效擴散到葉片的各個角落,保護整株植物免受害蟲侵害。
微生物(B.t. 真菌)的作用增加了植物的抵抗力,並通過增強植物的抵抗力(抗性誘導)來預防疾病。
It is an insecticide and fungicide that works simply by mixing it into the soil at seed or planting, or by sprinkling it around the base of plants after planting. The insecticidal ingredients are absorbed from the roots, and the drug effect spreads to all corners of the leaves, protecting the whole plant from pests. The action of microorganisms (B.t. fungi) increases plant resistance and prevents diseases by enhancing plant resistance (resistance induction).
噻蟲胺 – 蚜蟲 – 粉蝨 – 白粉病 – 綠色毛毛蟲 – 高斑蛾 – 黑薊 – 聖甲蟲幼蟲 – 鱗甲蟲 – 葉蠅 發病前灰黴病 – 白粉病 – 黑星病
Applicable pest name
Clothianidin – Aphids – Whiteflies – Powdery Mildew – Green Caterpillars – Tackle Moth – Black Thistle – Scarab Larvae – Scale Beetles – Leafflies Botrytis Botrytis – Powdery Mildew – Scab Before Onset
● 均勻噴灑,不集中於一處。 ● 播種時
● Spray evenly, not concentrated in one place. ● when sowing
●請注意使用量、使用時間、使用方法。 當使用屬於適用作物組的作物或其新品種時,用戶有責任事先徹底檢查是否有任何化學損害。 此外,最好諮詢害蟲防治辦公室或商店。
Precautions for efficacy and harm
●When used for disease control, please use it before the onset of the disease, as the effect cannot be obtained after the onset of the disease.
Use with caution as it can affect bees and silkworms.
●Please pay attention to the usage amount, usage time and usage method. When using crops belonging to the applicable crop groups or their new varieties,
it is the user’s responsibility to check thoroughly beforehand for any chemical damage. Also, it is best to consult a pest control office or store.
●請注意不要進入眼睛。 如果不慎入眼,請立即用水徹底沖洗並諮詢眼科醫生。 (強烈刺激)
●請注意不要粘附在皮膚上。 如果沾到皮膚上,請立即用肥皂清洗。 (刺激性)
●使用本產品時,請佩戴護目鏡、防毒面具、手套,穿長褲長袖工作服。 下班後,立即用肥皂洗手、洗腳、洗臉,洗眼漱口,換衣服。 工作服與他人分開洗滌。 ●容易出疹子的人在使用時要小心。
Precautions for safe use
●Do not spray if you feel unwell.
●Be careful not to get in eyes. If it gets into eyes, rinse thoroughly with water immediately and consult an ophthalmologist. (strong stimulation)
● Please be careful not to stick to the skin. If on skin, wash off with soap immediately. (irritating)
●When using this product, please wear goggles, a gas mask, gloves, and work clothes with long pants and long sleeves. Immediately after get off work,
wash hands, feet, face, eyes and mouth with soap, and change clothes. Work clothes are washed separately from others. ●People who are prone to rashes should be careful when using it.
●When using this product in streets, parks, etc., please set up rope fences or signs in the use area, during use and after use. ●After use, tap the empty bag to remove the contents completely before throwing away.
●Keep away from children, please pay attention to children and animals.
品牌 住友化學園藝
產品尺寸 5 x 12.8 x 20.8 厘米;250 克
產品重量 250 克
Store below 30°C
進口商 – 飛馬傳奇設計公司 地址 – 香港九龍新蒲崗七寶街3號振發工廠大廈E-J座4樓J5室
Importer – Legend Gear CO. Address – Flat J5, 4/f, Block E-J, Chin Fat Factory Building, 3 Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
MADE IN JAPAN 毒藥 Poison – 無特定解毒劑 No Specific Antidote

2024 ©️ Legend Gear Co. All Rights Reserved.

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg


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