住友化學園藝 Myrose 玫瑰活力液DX 800ml


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Myrose 玫瑰活力液DX 800ml

劑型 – 活化劑

玫瑰歡欣鼓舞! 生氣勃勃,生根發芽! 堅強起來!
① 酵母萃取物可以促進生根,幫助你的玫瑰長得更壯!
③ 有助於種植和補植時生根!
⑤ 含有易吸收的螯合鐵。 防止新葉變白! (鐵是葉綠素所必需的微量元素,葉綠素可以使葉子保持綠色。)
Roses rejoice! Vibrant, taking root! Be strong!
① Yeast extract can promote rooting and help your roses grow stronger!
②Restore the vitality of roses weakened by summer fatigue or root damage!
③ Helps in rooting during planting and replanting!
④ Natural organic substances containing a variety of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids can improve the microbial environment in the soil and effectively improve soil quality!
⑤ Contains easily absorbed chelated iron. Prevent new leaves from turning white! (Iron is a necessary trace element for chlorophyll, which keeps leaves green.)

●它不是肥料,因此請單獨施肥。 也可與液體肥料混合施用。
how to use
●Before use, please shake the container (sediment) thoroughly before weighing.
●Refer to the table below, dilute it with water and give it.
●It is not a fertilizer, so please fertilize it separately. It can also be mixed with liquid fertilizer.
●Can also be used with other plants such as flowers, vegetables, garden trees, etc.



【Dosage reference】
*Usage interval: once a week.
●For potted plants/containers…please give enough so that it flows from the bottom of the pot.
●When planting in open space…please give sufficient water as when irrigating.
●Foliar spray…Avoid high temperatures and drying times, and be careful not to spray on new shoots, flowers or buds when spraying with a sprayer.

●稀釋後的溶液請於當天使用完畢,並用水徹底清洗澆水容器。 如果放任不管,它會腐爛。
●不要與農藥混用,同時使用。 ●如果存放在極熱的地方,裡面的成分可能會沉澱,但這不影響效果。
●正常使用危險性低,但請小心輕放。 如果您在使用過程中感到身體有任何異常,請立即休息並就醫。 ●考慮風向等,注意不要將噴霧液濺到附近的房屋、汽車、牆壁、洗衣房、寵物、玩具等。
●請注意不要進入眼睛。 如果接觸到眼睛,請立即用水清洗(輕度刺激)。

Precautions for safe use
●Keep away from children, do not spray indoors or on the human body. Keep children and pets out of the spray area during or on the day of spraying.
●For plant use only, not for drinking as it is not a beverage.
●This is not a drink, please do not drink it.
●If stored in an extremely hot place, the ingredients inside may aggregate, but this will not affect efficacy.
●When measuring or spraying, please be careful not to get the liquid on clothes, cars, walls, marble, granite, etc. (discoloration).
●Please use the diluted solution within the same day and wash the watering container thoroughly with water. If left unchecked, it will rot.
●Do not mix with pesticides and use them at the same time. ●If stored in an extremely hot place, the ingredients inside may precipitate, but this does not affect the effect.
●When pouring or spraying, be careful not to get the liquid on clothes, cars, walls, marble, granite, etc. (it will cause discoloration).
●The risk of normal use is low, but please handle it with care. If you feel any abnormality in your body during use, please rest and seek medical advice immediately. ●Consider the wind direction, etc., and be careful not to splash the spray liquid on nearby houses, cars, walls, laundry rooms, pets, toys, etc.
●Please be careful not to get it into your eyes. If in contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water (mild irritation).

■ 注意事項/其他 請事先確認注意事項和使用方法後購買。
■ Precautions/Others
Please confirming the precautions and usage method in advance after .

品牌 住友化學園藝
包裝後尺寸 26.2 x 7.7 x 7.6 厘米, 產品重量 920 克
置放於30度以下陰涼處 Store below 30°C
進口商 – Legend Gear Co.

2024 ©️ Legend Gear Co. All Rights Reserved.


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