住友化學園藝 My Rose 玫瑰活力劑 480ml 劑型 – 活化劑


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My Rose 玫瑰活力劑 480ml

劑型 – 活化劑
它是一種天然的有機活化劑。 它激活土壤中有用的微生物,平衡真菌,提高土壤肥力。 新配製*的天然提取的生命精華(植物活化成分)賦予根部活力,促進光合作用,使玫瑰生長旺盛。 (*用於家庭園藝活化劑) 豐富的礦物質(9種)、氨基酸(17種)、維生素(9種),包括鐵、鈣、鎂,賦予整株植物生命力。 它也可以用作葉面噴霧劑。
用水稀釋並使用(根部噴灑或葉面噴灑) ●參照下表,加水稀釋備用。 ●因為內容物會沉降,使用前請搖勻容器。 (液體呈深褐色) ●因為不是肥料所以請另行施肥。 也可與液體肥料混合使用。 如何使用 – 按原樣噴
Product features
It is a natural organic revitalizer. It activates useful microorganisms in the soil, balances fungi, and improves soil fertility. Naturally-derived vital essence (plant revitalizing ingredient), which is newly formulated*, gives vitality to the roots, promotes photosynthesis, and grows strong roses.
(*For home gardening activators)
Rich minerals (9 types), amino acids (17 types), vitamins (9 types), including iron, calcium, and magnesium, give
vitality to the whole plant. It can also be used as a foliar spray.
how to use
Dilute with water and use (root spray or foliar spray)
●Refer to the table below, dilute with water and give to the stock.
●Because the contents will settle, shake the container well before use. (liquid is dark brown)
●As it is not fertilizer, please give the fertilizer separately. It can also be mixed with liquid fertilizer.
(1/2 上限)每週一次
翻盆 – 葉面噴霧 200倍5ml
(1/4 杯蓋)
● 開闊地種植時: 與灌溉時一樣,給植物根部足夠的量。 ●葉面噴施:避免高溫和乾燥天氣,用噴霧器噴灑,注意不要沾到嫩芽、花朵和花蕾上。
[dosage reference]
Seedling 100 times 10ml
(1/2 cap) once a week
Repot – Foliar Spray 200x 5ml (1/4 cup lid)
●For potted plants and containers: Give enough volume to the base of the plant to allow it to flow from the bottom of the pot.
● When planting in an open field: As with watering, give enough to the roots of the plants.
●Foliar spraying: avoid high temperature and dry weather, spray with a sprayer, and be careful not to get on the buds,
flowers and buds.
●不要與農藥混用,同時使用。 ●如果存放在極熱的地方,裡面的成分可能會沉澱,但這不影響效果。 ●灌淋或噴灑時,注意不要將藥液沾到衣服、汽車、牆壁、大理石、花崗岩等(會引起變色)。 ●當天用完稀釋液,用水沖洗乾淨
●正常使用危險性低,但請小心輕放。 如果您在使用過程中感到身體有任何異常,請立即休息並就醫。 ●考慮風向等,注意不要將噴霧液濺到附近的房屋、汽車、牆壁、洗衣房、寵物、玩具等。 ●噴灑期間或噴灑當天,請確保兒童和寵物不要進入噴灑區域。
●請注意不要進入眼睛。 如果接觸到眼睛,請立即用水清洗(輕度刺激)。
Precautions for safe use
●Keep away from children, do not spray indoors or on the human body. ●For plant use only, not for drinking as it is
not a beverage.
● Do not mix with pesticides, use at the same time.
●If stored in an extremely hot place, the ingredients inside may precipitate, but this does not affect the effect. ●When pouring or spraying, be careful not to get the liquid medicine on clothes, cars, walls, marble, granite, etc.
(it will cause discoloration).
●After using the diluent on the same day, rinse with water
●The risk of normal use is low, but please handle it with care. If you feel any abnormality in your body during use,
please rest immediately and seek medical attention.
●Consider the wind direction, etc., and be careful not to splash the spray liquid on nearby houses, cars, walls,
laundry rooms, pets, toys, etc.
● During spraying or on the day of spraying, please ensure that children and pets do not enter the spraying area. ● Be careful not to get in eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water (mild irritation).
■ 注意事項/其他 請事先確認注意事項和使用方法後購買。
■ Precautions/Others
Please confirming the precautions and usage method in advance after .
品牌 住友化學園藝
包裝後尺寸 23.9 x 6.3 x 6 厘米;580 克 產品重量 580 克
置放於30度以下陰涼處 Store below 30°C
進口商 – Legend Gear Co.

2024 ©️ Legend Gear Co. All Rights Reserved.


Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 6.3 × 6 × 24.3 cm


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