住友化學園藝 GFベンレート水和剤 (0.5g×10) 水溶殺菌劑


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住友化學園藝殺菌劑 GF Benlate可濕性粉劑
有效成分 – 苯菌靈
濃度 – 50%
外觀 – 灰白色可濕性粉末 45 μm 以下 劑型 – 可濕性粉劑
註冊編號 – 2P017 W/W
Active ingredient – Benomyl
Concentration – 50%
Appearance Off – white wettable powder below 45 μm Dosage form – wettable powder
Registration Number – 2P017 W/W
它對玫瑰黑星病和白粉病非常有效。 通過內吸作用,既有防止病原體侵入的預防作用,又有消滅入侵病原體的治療作用,通過抑制病原體的細胞分裂來控制病原體。 特別是赤黴病,早春出苗前噴施,可增加防治效果。
It is very effective against rose scab and powdery mildew. Through systemic action, it not only has the preventive effect of preventing pathogen invasion, but also has the therapeutic effect of eliminating invading pathogens, and controls pathogens by inhibiting the cell division of pathogens. Especially for head blight, spraying in early spring before emergence can increase the control effect.
芝麻斑病-炭疽病-葉枯病-枝枯病-白粉病-黑斑病-白銹病-褐斑病-黑斑病-花腐病-菌核病-根腐病-黑根病-鱗莖腐病-枯萎病-猝倒病(鐮刀菌)-根腐病黑斑病 – 菌核病 – 白斑病 – 灰黴病 – 葡萄枯萎病 – 葡萄腐爛病 – 葉枯病 – 灰黴病 – 枯萎病
Applicable disease name
Sesame spot – anthracnose – leaf blight – branch blight – powdery mildew – black spot – white rust – brown spot – black spot – flower rot – sclerotinia – root rot – black root disease – bulb Rot – Fusarium wilt – Damping-off (Fusarium) – Root rot Black spot – Sclerotinia – White spot – Botrytis – Grape wilt – Grape rot
– Leaf blight – Botrytis – Fusarium wilt
如何使用 – 用水稀釋並噴霧 / 稀釋比例 20-6000倍 詳情請查閱 – https://www.sc-engei.co.jp/guide/detail/1512
HOW TO USE – Dilute with water and spray / Dilution ratio 20-6000 times For details, please refer to – https://www.sc-engei.co.jp/guide/detail/1512
(1)澆灌黃瓜、西紅柿時,如果誤用高濃度處理,可能會發生變色、抑制生長等化學傷害,因此請遵守規定的濃度。 (2)浸泡洋蔥、草莓根部時,濃度過高可能會導致草莓吸收不良、洋蔥初期生長遲緩等藥害。
(3) 半萎灌溉茄子時,在栽植後進行處理,因為在栽植前和栽植中有發生葉片黃化和生長抑制等化學危害的風險。 (4)用於防治草莓失綠症時,種植前土壤熏蒸與本劑處理相結合效果更佳,尤其是發生多發的地區。 (5)用於枯萎病、枯萎病時,用機油乳劑稀釋,1-2次塗於病斑及周圍。 此外,刮除病灶後塗抹時,應將表皮刮薄至看不到木質部。 (6)用於蘋果念珠菌病,在多發情況下效果可能較差,切勿錯過病害初期噴藥時間。 (7)連續使用本藥及同系列藥物引起耐藥菌,有療效不佳的情況。
(8)本品與依托芬普乳劑或二嗪農乳劑混用時,應避免混用,否則會形成凝塊。 (9)用於防治魔芋幹腐病時,種薯種苗基部朝上排列,每平方米噴100ml,使苗基部被藥液充分覆蓋。 (10)用於大麥防雪腐病時,靠近基層雪噴施。
(14) 初次對適用作物群的作物或新品種使用本藥劑時,使用者有責任事先徹底確認有無藥害後再使用。 此外,最好諮詢害蟲防治辦公室或商店。
Precautions for efficacy and harm
(1) When watering cucumbers and tomatoes, if you use high concentration by mistake, chemical damage such as discoloration and growth inhibition may occur, so please observe the
specified concentration.
(2) When soaking the roots of onions and strawberries, if the concentration is too high, it may cause phytotoxicity such as malabsorption of strawberries and retardation of initial growth of onions. (3) When semi-wilted eggplant is irrigated, it is treated after planting because there is a risk of chemical hazards such as leaf yellowing and growth inhibition before and during planting.
(4) When used to prevent and treat strawberry chlorosis, the effect of combining soil fumigation before planting with this agent treatment is better, especially in areas where it occurs frequently. (5) For fusarium wilt and fusarium wilt, dilute it with engine oil emulsion, and apply it to the lesion and its surroundings 1-2 times. In addition, when applying after scraping the lesion, the epidermis
should be scraped so thin that the xylem cannot be seen.
(6) For apple candidiasis, the effect may be poor in the case of frequent occurrence, so do not miss the initial spraying time of the disease.
(7) The continuous use of this drug and the same series of drugs may cause drug-resistant bacteria, and the curative effect may not be good.
(8) When this product is mixed with etofenpro emulsion or diazinon emulsion, avoid mixing it, otherwise clots will form.
(9) When used to prevent konjac dry rot, arrange the bases of the seedlings upwards, and spray 100ml per square meter so that the bases of the seedlings are fully covered by the liquid medicine. (10) When used to prevent snow rot in barley, it should be sprayed close to the grassroots snow.
(11) When eustoma is cultivated in hydroponics, the waste liquid should be properly disposed of so that it does not flow into the environment.
(12) The spraying time for mulberry wilt is in early and mid-September.
(13) When used for pepper root rot, soak the whole seedlings in the medicinal solution.
(14) When using this chemical for the first time on crops or new varieties of the applicable crop group, it is the user’s responsibility to thoroughly confirm whether there is any phytotoxicity before use.
Also, it is best to consult a pest control office or store.
(1) 身體不適時不要噴灑化學藥劑。
(2) 按用量配製藥液。
(3) 本藥對眼睛有弱刺激性,請注意不要進入眼睛。 如果它進入您的眼睛,請立即用水沖洗。
(4) 注意不要讓產品粘附在皮膚上,因為它對皮膚有微弱的刺激作用。 如果粘附,請立即用肥皂清洗。
(5) 易長皮疹者操作時應小心。
(6) 使用時請戴防蟲口罩、防滲手套、長褲、長袖工作服。 下班後立即用肥皂洗手、洗腳和洗臉、漱口並更換衣服。
(7) 工作時穿的衣服請與其他物品分開洗滌。
(8) 請勿將經本劑處理過的種子等用作食品或動物飼料。
(9) 在街道、公園等使用時,注意防止兒童和無關人員在使用期間和使用後(至少在使用當天)進入使用區域,例如設置繩索圍欄和標誌。請注意不要造成損壞。
(10) 遠離孩童
Precautions for safe use
(1) Do not spray chemicals when you are unwell.
(2) Prepare the liquid medicine according to the dosage and use it up.
(3) This medicine is mildly irritating to the eyes, please be careful not to enter the eyes. If it gets in your eyes, rinse with water immediately.
(4) Be careful not to let the product adhere to the skin, because it has a weak irritating effect on the skin. If it sticks, wash it off with soap immediately.
(5) People who are prone to rashes should be careful when handling it.
(6) Please wear an insect repellent mask, anti-seepage gloves, trousers, and long-sleeved overalls when using. Wash hands, feet and face with soap, rinse mouth and change clothes immediately
after get off work.
(7) Wash clothes worn at work separately from other items.
(8) Do not use seeds treated with this agent as food or animal feed.
(9) When using in streets, parks, etc., take care to prevent children and unrelated persons from entering the use area during and after use (at least on the day of use), such as setting up rope fences
and signs. Be careful not to cause damage. (10) Keep out of reach of children
(1) 由於可能影響水生動植物(甲殼動物),因此註意不要散落或流入河流、水產養殖池塘等。
(2) 準備並用完剩餘的化學溶液。 不要讓噴塗設備和容器的沖洗水流入河流。 另外,請妥善處理空袋,以免影響水生動植物。
Pay attention to the environment such as fish
(1) Since it may affect aquatic animals and plants (crustaceans), take care not to scatter or flow into rivers, aquaculture ponds, etc.
(2) Prepare and use up the remaining chemical solution. Do not allow rinse water from spray equipment and containers to flow into rivers. Also, please dispose of the empty bags properly so as not to
affect aquatic animals and plants.
品牌 住友化學園藝
包裝後尺寸 11.2 x 8.1 x 3.4 厘米 Net Weight (0.5g×10)5g
包裝後產品重量 30 克
Store below 30°C
進口商 – 飛馬傳奇設計公司 地址 – 香港九龍新蒲崗七寶街3號振發工廠大廈E-J座4樓J5室
Importer – Legend Gear CO. Address – Flat J5, 4/f, Block E-J, Chin Fat Factory Building, 3 Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Made In Japan 毒藥 Poison – 無特定解毒劑 No Specific Antidote

2024 ©️ Legend Gear Co. All Rights Reserved.

Additional information

Weight 30 kg
Dimensions 8.1 × 3.4 × 11.2 cm


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