住友化學園藝 サンボルドー (2g×10) 用於細菌斑和霜霉病斑點、黏菌病 殺菌劑


SKU: SunBordeau01 Category:


住友化學園藝殺菌劑 Sun Bordeau x 2g x 10 有機園藝植物病害藥
有效成分 – 氯化銅
濃度 – 73.5%
外觀 – 淡綠色可濕性粉劑 45 μm 以下 劑型 – 可濕性粉劑
註冊編號 – 2P054 W/W
Effective Ingredients – Copper oxychloride Concentration – 73.5%
Appearance – Pale green wettable powder 45 μm or less Mold – Wettable powder
Registration Number – 2P054 W/W
主要成分是氯化銅,是一種天然成分。 不僅對細菌性斑點病等由細菌引起的病害有效,而且對黴菌(絲狀真菌)引起的霜霉病、稻瘟病等病害也有效。 藥效持續時間長,而且顆粒非常細,幾乎不會堵塞噴頭。
可以使用有機 JAS 標準(有機栽培)。
如何使用 – 用水稀釋並噴霧 / 稀釋比例 300-800倍 詳情請查閱 – https://www.sc-engei.co.jp/guide/detail/1507#title09
Product features
The main ingredient is salted copper, which is a natural ingredient.
It is effective against diseases caused by bacteria such as bacterial spot disease, but also against diseases such as frost and mildew caused by fungi.
The medicinal effect lasts for a long time, and the granules are very fine.
Possible to use organic JAS standard (organic farming).
HOW TO USE – Dilute with water and spray / Dilution ratio 300-800 times For details, please refer to – https://www.sc-engei.co.jp/guide/detail/1507#title09
紅燒病 – 炭疽病 – 黃瓜細菌性斑點病 – 霜霉病 – 褐腐病 – 植物瘟疫 – 柑橘黑星病 -潰瘍病 – 葡萄霜霉病 – 褐斑
Applicable diseases
Scarlet – Anthracnose – Yellow Melon Bacterial Spot – Frost Blight – Brown Rot – Phytophytosis – Citrus Star – Canker – Grape Frost – Brown Spot
(1)用於茶葉,採摘前21天噴。 (2)由於本藥劑為無機銅藥劑,容易對黃瓜造成藥害,因此請注意以下事項。
● 苗期特別容易發生,請在苗期過後噴灑。
● 請避免在高溫下噴灑,因為症狀可能會變得嚴重。
● 連續噴灑可能會導致葉子變黃或變硬,因此請避免過度連續使用。
● 添加規定量的碳酸鈣(200倍)可有效降低藥害,果實在收穫前使用會變髒,請注意。
● 噴頭啟動後噴塗時尤其要小心,容易對噴頭造成化學損傷。 ● 添加規定量的碳酸鈣劑(100倍)可有效降低藥害。
(4)用於柑橘、葡萄時,加入碳酸鈣可濕性粉劑(200倍),防止發生化學損傷(柑橘:星黑素,葡萄:黃變)。 在生長季節噴灑柑橘類水果時要特別小心。 (5)忌與石硫合劑、機油乳化劑、有機硫劑、有機砷劑等混用。
Precautions for drug effects and drug damage
(1) Used tea leaves, completed 21 days before picking.
(2) Due to the fact that this medicine is made of inorganic copper medicine, it is easy to cause harm to the production of yellow melon, so please note the following.
● Seedling stage especially easy growth, after seedling stage eruption.
Avoid high-temperature hot springs, which can be caused by serious illness.
●Continuous blowing is possible due to the change in color or hardness, so please refrain from using it continuously.
●Adding a specified amount of phosphate (200 times) is possible with less damage, but please note that there is actually a change before harvesting.
(3) Please pay attention to the following points when using it, which may cause drug damage. ● It is necessary to be cautious when spraying after eruption of the eruption head.
● Addition of specified amount of carbonated steel (100 times) is possible with low toxicity.
(4) For citrus fruits and grapes, add phosphate-based wet powder (200 times) to prevent developmental damage (citrus: star black, grape: yellow). Special caution is required during the growing season of citrus fruits.
(5) Repellent stone sulfur alloy, machine oil emulsified iron, organic sulfur iron, organic iron, etc. mixed use.
(6) Excessive standing time after dispensing the medicine, causing sedimentation, and stirring enough when spraying.
●身體不適時請勿噴灑。 請勿在室內或對著人體噴灑。
●注意不要誤食或吞食本品。 如果誤食,請催吐並立即就醫。 如果您在使用該藥物時感到身體有任何異常,請立即就醫。 ●粉末對眼睛有強烈刺激性,配製噴霧液時要戴護目鏡,注意不要讓化學藥品進入眼睛。 如果不慎入眼,請立即用水徹底沖洗並就醫。 ●噴塗時佩戴防護口罩、防滲手套、防滲防護服等。 下班後,用肥皂洗手、洗腳和洗臉並漱口。 ●對蠶有影響,請不要沾到周圍的桑葉上。
魚類毒性: ●水生動植物(魚類、甲殼類、藻類)可能受到影響,因此請注意不要濺入或流入河流、水產養殖池塘等。
Precautions for safe use
● Keep out of reach of children
● Do not squirt when the body is not suitable. Please note that there is a room or a co-author’s body spray.
●Please do not eat this product by mistake. Accidental ingestion, vomiting, and immediate medical treatment. If you are using the medicine, you will feel something
wrong with your body, and you will immediately go to the doctor.
●The powder is highly irritating to the eyes, so you need to wear goggles when spraying the liquid. As a result, careless attention is paid, and the water is thoroughly
washed offshore and used as a doctor.
● Wear protective mouthpieces, anti-bloating mantles, anti-bloating protective clothing, etc. when spraying. After the lower rank, wash your hands with fertilizer
wash your hands, wash your hands, and rinse your mouth. ● There is no effect on the surrounding mulberry leaves. ●Complete chemical solution for general use.
Fish Toxicity:
●Aquatic plants and animals (fish, crustaceans, algae) can be affected by inundation or inflow rivers, aquaculture ponds, etc.
品牌 住友化學園藝
產品容量 2g×10 共20克 Net Weight 2g x10pcs total 20g 包裝後尺寸 11.3 x 8 x 3.2 厘米
Store below 30°C
進口商 – 飛馬傳奇設計公司 地址 – 香港九龍新蒲崗七寶街3號振發工廠大廈E-J座4樓J5室
Importer – Legend Gear CO. Address – Flat J5, 4/f, Block E-J, Chin Fat Factory Building, 3 Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

MADE IN JAPAN 毒藥 Poison – 無特定解毒劑 No Specific Antidote


2024 ©️ Legend Gear Co. All Rights Reserved.

Additional information

Weight 0.02 kg
Dimensions 3.2 × 8 × 11.3 cm


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