住友化學園藝殺蟲劑園藝 Kinchol E Longhorn 甲蟲幼蟲殺滅 420ml


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住友化學園藝殺蟲劑園藝 Kinchol E Longhorn 甲蟲幼蟲殺滅 420ml

有效成分 – 氯菊酯 0.2% W/W

濃度 – Permethrin 0.2% W/W

外觀 – 乳白色液體

劑型 – 氣霧劑

註冊編號 – 2P149

產品特點 特殊專用噴嘴(三向噴霧)



如何使用 – 直接噴灑在植物表面

Kinchol E for gardening 420ml

Exterminate longhorn beetle larvae that have invaded tree trunks with a special nozzle (three-way spray type)

Active Ingredient – Permethrin 0.2%

Concentration – Permethrin 0.2%

Appearance – milky white liquid

Dosage Form – Aerosol

Registration Number – 2P149

Features Special dedicated nozzles (three-way spray) are effective against longhorn beetles (longhorn beetles, mulberry leaf beetles) that invade the trunks of fruit trees (citrus, figs) and maple trees. Effective against a wide variety of pests such as aphids, caterpillars and spider mites.

HOW TO USE – Spray directly on plant surfaces

適用害蟲名稱 毛蟲 菊花蚜蟲 玫瑰蚜蟲 蜘蛛蟎 中國鋸蠅 Longhorn beetle 有頸的紅色甲蟲 楓葉長角牛甲蟲

[專用噴嘴更換方法] 拉出容器的按鈕,換上專用的噴嘴,將噴嘴插入攝取部位,注射至藥物從攝取部位流出。

Applicable pest name caterpillar

Chrysanthemum aphid rose aphid spider mite Chinese sawfly Longhorn beetle necked red beetle maple longhorn beetle [Exclusive nozzle replacement method]

Pull out the button of the container, replace it with a special nozzle, insert the nozzle into the ingestion site, and inject until the medicine flows out from the ingestion site.





●使用前搖勻容器。 此外,如果連續使用超過 30 秒,請停止使用並再次搖晃容器後再使用。


●用於玫瑰花、菊花和開花樹木時,請務必在距植物至少30 cm 的地方間歇噴灑1 至2 秒,直至葉子濕潤。 特別注意新芽、新葉、花蕾和花瓣(冷害)。 ●首次用於屬於適用作物組的作物或其新品種時,用戶有責任在使用前徹底檢查化學損害。


Precautions such as efficacy and phytotoxicity

●When using in the ingestion part, be careful not to let the backflow of the chemical solution get on the harvested product.

●When using on citrus longhorn beetles, the effect may be inferior as the infestation of larvae progresses, so please use it in the early stages of infestation.

●When using apples, the thinning period should be two months after the flowers have fallen.

●Shake the container well before use. Also, if you use it continuously for more than 30 seconds, stop it once and shake the container again before using.

●Avoid using during the day when the temperature is high, when there is strong wind, or before it rains.

●When using on roses, chrysanthemums, and flowering trees, be sure to spray at least 30 cm away from the plant intermittently for 1 to 2 seconds until the foliage is wet. Pay particular attention to sprouts, new leaves, buds, and petals (cold damage).

●When using for the first time on crops belonging to the applicable crop group or new varieties thereof, it is the responsibility of the user to thoroughly check for chemical damage before use. In addition, it is desirable to consult with a pest control office or a store.



●身體不適時請勿噴灑。 請勿在室內或對著人體噴灑。

●正常使用危險性低,但請小心輕放。 如果您在使用過程中感到身體有任何異常,請立即休息並就醫。

●請注意不要進入眼睛。 如果接觸到眼睛,請立即用水清洗(輕度刺激)。

●噴塗時戴好口罩和手套。 小心不要吸入或暴露在噴出的霧氣中。 下班後,用肥皂洗手、洗腳和洗臉並漱口。



● 對蜜蜂、蠶有影響,慎用。




Precautions for safe use

●Keep out of reach of children

●Do not spray when you are not feeling well. Do not spray indoors or toward the human body.

●Danger is low in normal usage, but please handle with care. If you feel any abnormality in your body during use, please rest and seek medical attention immediately.

●Be careful not to get this in your eyes. In case of contact with eyes, wash immediately with water (mildly irritating).

●Wear a mask and gloves when spraying. Be careful not to inhale or be exposed to the sprayed mist. After work, wash your hands, feet and face with soap and gargle.

●Consider the direction of the wind, etc., and be careful not to splash the spray liquid on nearby houses, automobiles, walls, laundry, pets, toys, etc.

●Please make sure that children and pets do not enter the spraying area during or on the day of spraying.

● Bees and silkworms are affected, so use with caution.

●When using, be careful not to let the spray enter a fishbowl, aquarium, or pond.

●After use, please dispose of empty cans after confirming that the gas has been exhausted outdoors.

Treatment: Administration of methocarbamol preparations is effective (reported in animal studies)

■ 注意事項/其他 產品確定了可用於殺蟲劑的作物。 請事先確認注意事項和使用方法後購買。

■ Precautions/Others The crops that can be used for pesticides are determined for this product. Please purchase after confirming the precautions and usage method in advance.

品牌 住友化學園藝

淨容量 420ml Net Volume 420ml

包裝後尺寸 24.3 x 5.8 x 5.8 厘米

重量 440 克


Store below 30°C

進口商 – 飛馬傳奇設計公司

地址 – 香港九龍新蒲崗七寶街3號振發工廠大廈E-J座4樓J5室 Importer – Legend Gear CO.

Address – Flat J5, 4/f, Block E-J, Chin Fat Factory Building, 3 Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong


毒藥 Poison – 無特定解毒劑 No Specific Antidote

2024 ©️ Legend Gear Co. All Rights Reserved.

Additional information

Weight 0.44 kg
Dimensions 5.8 × 5.8 × 24.3 cm


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